Thursday, October 31, 2013

Goat Cheese Cheesecake with Mixed Berry Sauce

P1020139 by cookinglikespago
P1020139, a photo by cookinglikespago on Flickr.
The first time I had goat cheese cheesecake was at dinner at Foreign Cinema in San Francisco. I ordered it because it was unique and seemed like such a "foodie" experience I had to try. Plus, after my delicious entree I trusted that the cheesecake would be just as good. And it was.

The tangy flavor of the goat cheese came through and it balanced well with the sweet rhubarb sauce and candied walnuts that came with it.

So when I saw a recipe for one in the June 2013 issue of Bon Appetit, I saved it to try out. I mostly followed the recipe, which funny enough is a recipe BA got from another San Francisco restaurant, Waterbar. This recipe is pretty good, but I couldn't imagine making a crustless cheesecake. So I paired it with a graham cracker crust.

And not any old graham cracker crust either. I used graham crackers made by Miette, my new employer in San Francisco. These rich buttery grahams were the highlight of this cheesecake for me. The cheesecake itself was fine and while it's fun to experiment with other cheeses, I think I'll be sticking to cream cheese cheesecakes.